-> Airport Short Trips in NS Cities: Halifax downtown, Dartmouth downtown, Bedford, Sackville, Waverley, and Beyond.
-> Airport Long Trips in NS, NB, and PEI. Moncton NB, Fredericton NB, Saint John NB, Charlottetown PEI, Wolfville, Kentville, Greenwood, Pictou, New Glasgow, Antigonish, Cape Breton Island, Sydney, Baddeck, Inverness, Fox Harbour, PEI Ferry, Golf Clubs, FBO, Harbors, Ferry/ies, Hotels, Yarmouth, Bridgewater, Lunenburg, Mahone Bay, Chester, Windsor, Truro, and Beyond.
-> Sightseeing Tours
Area | To Airport | From Airport |
HALIFAX | $59 | $72 |
DARTMOUTH | $58 | $65 |
BEDFORD | $55 | $63 |
SACKVILLE | $59 | $65 |
Area | To Airport | From Airport |
WOLFVILLE | $168 | $180 |
LUNENBURG | $183 | $200 |
Antigonish | $285 | $320 |
Moncton | $393 | $410 |
Area | To Airport | From Airport |
ACADIA UN, Wolfville | $168 | $180 |
Dalhousie UN | $59 | $75 |
STFX UN, Antigonish | $283 | $320 |
Cape Breton UN | $610 | $650 |